Catching Up

It was unfair of me to publish that last post and then disappear. The fact is, although it took a few weeks, B did find a new job. In fact, he found work in a new industry and is on his way to making a real career for himself in something. That’s all I’ve really…

This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

I knew it would happen. Heavens forbid I actually admit to being happy. B rage-quit his job yesterday. I have so many words, and yet none will come in any kind of coherent form. He promises he’ll get a new job quickly. I find him playing with his VR. He swears he’s looked and just…

A Lot Has Changed

It’s been a while since I’ve felt like writing anything. I told myself over and over again that I should sit down and write, even if it’s nonsense, but as the view counts for my posts dwindled to nothing and my own boredom with my blatherings increased, it became less and less appealing. I have…

I Love Virginia in the Spring

When I lived here 20 years ago, the thing that struck me most was the way everything burst into color once the weather got warmer. Highway medians here become carpets of daffodils, and the trees suddenly go from dull and empty to an array of beautiful colors. The cherry blossoms of DC are of course…

Got My First Fauci Ouchie

B and I were able to get our first vaccine shots last week. This was important for many reasons, not the least of which being that B is in a serious state of depression lately. He hates his job, and like everyone else he’s tired of being cooped up at home all the time. He’s…

Movin’ Out and Up

It’s official; we’ve signed our lease and begun getting our ducks lined up. Change of address submitted to USPS. Movers and truck scheduled. Have to look into renters insurance and utility setup next. It will be a more expensive life, but it will be such an improvement over what we’re dealing with here. My son…

Lookin’ Good

We were approved for the rental. Now we just have to get all the paperwork signed, and we can start making moving arrangements. Hooray! I didn’t write over the weekend because I honestly couldn’t think of anything to say. There still isn’t much, really, but I thought I should at least follow up on the…

Fingers Crossed

This week I’ve really kickstarted the house hunt now that we’re in March and able to find places that will allow an April move-in. Sunday I went to an open house around the corner, but no dice; the unit was too close to the main road and felt way too claustrophobic. Then on Monday I…

Random Lists, Vol. 4

My dad told me that one day when I was 3 or 4, I sat down with him and my hardcover storybook of Disney’s Cinderella and began to read it to him. He was stunned, because I guess my parents hadn’t made a huge push for me to start reading yet. I know he taught…

Can’t Stand the Excitement

It’s midafternoon on Sunday. I woke up this morning already feeling like the weekend was over and way too short. But here I am now, bored out of my gourd, just wishing there was something, anything we could do safely. It’s cold and rainy, so even taking a walk outside is out. I packed a…